Human Milk Bank
A human milk bank, or breast milk bank is a service which collects, screens, processes, and dispenses by prescription human milk donated by nursing mothers who are not biologically related to the recipient infant. The optimum nutrition for newborn infants is breastfeeding, if possible, for the first year.
Human milk banks offer a solution to the mothers that cannot supply their own breast milk to their child, for reasons such as a baby being at risk of getting diseases and infections from a mother with certain diseases, or when a child has a condition such as necrotizing enterocolitis.
Mothers’ Milk Bank (MMB) says, this service provides mothers with an alternative to infant formula and allows the mother to give their newborn the nutrition it needs for healthy growth.
Process of collection and storage
Mothers are instructed in recommended techniques for expressing and storing milk for donation, including good hand-washing, using clean containers and labeling the bottles with the date collected. Milk is thawed and pooled among multiple donors into glass flasks.
It is then poured into two or four ounce sterilized glass bottles in preparation for pasteurization. The milk is heat-treated by placing the bottles into a water bath with a temperature minimum of 62.5°C for 30minutes, killing bacteria and viruses but preserving the other biologically active immune factors and hormones present in human milk.
pasteurization a bacterial culture is taken to ensure sterilization and the milk is analyzed for fat, protein, carbohydrate and lactose content using a Milkoscope. Caloric content is calculated for each batch.
The pasteurized milk is cooled, labeled and placed in -20°C freezers where it can be stored for a year from the date that it was expressed from the donor mother. Human milk is available in several formulations including term milk, early term milk (colostrum, 7-10 days postpartum), preterm, non-fat (0-0.3% fat for treatment of infants with chylothorax), nondairy and several caloric densities from 20 to 24 kcal/oz. It is dispensed according to medical need by physician prescription to any location.
Donor human milk banks play an important role in providing this ideal nourishment, especially for high-risk and premature infants.
Advantage of Human Milk
A woman would not be a suitable donor if she
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